Wednesday, July 08, 2009

New experience of Blog Hopping

I must say I'm a bit surprised that I put myself in the middle of this blog hop. I've only shared this blog w/ a few people, my husband and a very few close friends. When I started following blogs I would comment annonomously because I really just started blogging for myself... granted as you can see I have done fairly miserable at keeping up w/ it.

I spend a lot of time on this computer as it is.... now I could sit here ALL DAY hopping blog to blog and looking at everyone's photos, etc and "meeting" all these new interesting folks. But ack... most of the time when I blog it's me putting my heart out to keep a super special memory or just needing to pour my heart out for my hubby to know what's going on in my mind/heart.

Life is full of ups and downs in this life as an Army Wife and more often than not "single mom". It helps to put my thoughts and heaviness into words mull over them, then deside if I need to send DH (dear hubby) to visit my blog. LOL

You will notice I reffer to my husband as T, and my girls as G and H. I've been an internet junky for way too long. But, one thing has remained the same I don't like sharing everyone's names just a bit of a personal security issue for me. So, please don't take offence that some things I just keep to myself.

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