Monday, July 07, 2008

A TEENAGER??? What's that you say?

How can it be that dd is already 13!?! Where did the time go? It's way to hard to believe that my little girl is a teenager.... but let there be no mistaken she SURE IS a teenager.... with her giggly "teeny bopper" squeals going on and all... and Lord help us if any of her teeny popper friends are around too.

She's growing up to be such a beautiful young lady (don't let the picture fool you)! For some reason she has a "camera phobia" issue or something of the sort.

DH is in the market for a shotgun and the perfect rocking chair for the front porch.... Can ya blame him? lol I'm thinking I might have to head back to the range and get some shooting practice so I can keep camp on the front porch during those times when DH has to be away for whatever reason.

1 comment:

jody said...

Too bad that will NEVER happen with any of my daughters.....I am reserving the convent rooms RIGHT NOW. We have afunny things a friend gave us called "application to date my daughter"-sounds like you need to have a copy for your hubby to give out fromt he front porch :) Hope the birthday was a happy one for your dd, at least-birthdays are bittersweet for moms I think, don't you??