Tuesday, July 28, 2009

So busy....

This is a screen shot of half of my calendar for this week.... it's scheduled through bedtime at midnight. The next 3 weeks look much the same. I think I need to schedule in blog time. since I'm falling down miserably on the whole blog thing.

Can anyone tell me how to add the follow me option to my blog. I'm really not that computer savey and I haven't been able to figure that little trick out. Would appreciate any help in this area. Thanks a bunch.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful and blessed week. There are a couple very important fundraising events coming up in the near future I will be blogging about those soon. Please share the word and support these wonderful causes if you can.

Monday, July 13, 2009

3 Things MckLinky Blog Hop

Three things you didn't know about me/us....

1. I am a first time college student 20 years out of High School.
2. I met my husband while I was in Advanced Individual Training. I was a Combat Signaler in the Va Army National Guard.

3. I am a twin and married to a twin.

My twin brother and I. I think this was taken in 1972.

Hubby (in white) w/ his twin brother and niece.

MckLinky Blog Hop

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Looks Like We've Made it.......

My how we've changed! Seventeen years ago today we pledge our love to one another. I thank God for you every day and for the love He's given me in you. THANK YOU for being the amazing and wonderful husband you are. Even though we are apart physically please know you are constantly here with me.

In my heart, in my thoughts and in my prayers baby,

I love you! I Miss you! I am Forever Yours.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

New experience of Blog Hopping

I must say I'm a bit surprised that I put myself in the middle of this blog hop. I've only shared this blog w/ a few people, my husband and a very few close friends. When I started following blogs I would comment annonomously because I really just started blogging for myself... granted as you can see I have done fairly miserable at keeping up w/ it.

I spend a lot of time on this computer as it is.... now I could sit here ALL DAY hopping blog to blog and looking at everyone's photos, etc and "meeting" all these new interesting folks. But ack... most of the time when I blog it's me putting my heart out to keep a super special memory or just needing to pour my heart out for my hubby to know what's going on in my mind/heart.

Life is full of ups and downs in this life as an Army Wife and more often than not "single mom". It helps to put my thoughts and heaviness into words mull over them, then deside if I need to send DH (dear hubby) to visit my blog. LOL

You will notice I reffer to my husband as T, and my girls as G and H. I've been an internet junky for way too long. But, one thing has remained the same I don't like sharing everyone's names just a bit of a personal security issue for me. So, please don't take offence that some things I just keep to myself.

Good Morning Sunshine

To a fault I am a night owl! Even moreso when my husband is away. Who wants to go climb in that big empty bed after all? While he was home on R&R we over nighted on the other side of the island at a beach cabin. It was so nice to get out of the house as a family and just enjoy some together time. We plan on going back for a 3 or 4 day weekend when he comes home. I'm so looking forward to the get away for our family.

I managed to roll myself out of bed at 5:30 am which is a time I don't see.... unless I haven't been to bed yet. And we quietly headed out to the beach to sit and enjoy the sunrise. It's amazing and so rare when we have time alone to ourselves in the quiet when one or the other of us isn't completely wiped out and falling asleep. The sunrise was beautiful even though it was cloudy. And, oh what fun to watch the sandcrabs out for play.
I love the last photo. So poignent and such a display of God's wonder and beauty.

Monday, July 06, 2009

MckLinky Blog Hop Tuesday

Treasured Moment in the sand. As a military family we spend a lot of time apart. This photo was taken while my husband was home on R&R (Rest & Relaxation). A picture memory of our treasured time in this beautiful place we are blessed to live.

MckLinky Blog Hop