Tuesday, September 04, 2007

"Falling Down"

I'm falling down on posting about things that are going on. I promice I will post about services this past Sunday and last soon. Last week was a pretty emotional week. We lost 10 soldiers from Schofield Barracks and 4 soldiers from Ft. Lewis WA in the blackhawk crash in Iraq nearly 2 weeks ago now. The 2-35 have lost so many fine soldiers and Schofield barracks has been a rather sad place. I spent Wed. morning at the memorial for these 10 heros lost in the crash. Remembering them for the fine soldiers/people they were. The memorial was beautiful and even though I didn't personally know any of the 10 heros lost from our post I felt as if I knew them post humously after the memorial. It was such a sad time, sitting in that chapel surrounded by soldiers and family members of soldiers, veterans (some as far back as WWII). Looking at all those soldiers in uniform and realizing it could have been any of them we were remembering that day or worse yet that some day it could be my soldier.

A lot of emotion and thoughts to deal with. I just pray to God for peace and comfort for DH and for myself and for our children and for all the soldiers and their families who are deployed and dealing with all we are faced with on a daily basis. God lay your shield of protection around our soldiers who are away in so many dangerous places in this world and bring them home safely.